-gloomly -bedauernd -düster,finster
-slender -schlanker -mager,schlank
-anxious -beleidigt -besorgt
-moping -beklagen -eingeschnappt,sauer
-issue -bekanntgeben -ausstellen,ausgeben
-solemny -ernst -feierlich
-indeed -tatsächlich -allerdings,freilich
-unhook -abhängen -aushaken,losmachen
-sustain -ablenken -tragen,stützen,stärken
-wiping -wippen - abtrocknen,abreiben
-nodded -wiegen -nicken
-a jar -ein Topf -das Gefäß
cunning (trip) -gute Falle -eine gerissene Falle
So, this is my grid, but I hardly got to 150 words.
But it is very funny to see, how I´m able to change serious vocabulary into some funny words.
But this time I did a well guess, I think...

I hope you enjoyed it.
And if you didn´t at least I did, because I loved the stories and illustrations.
And now, me and Winnie we say goodbye...
Thank you very much for your attention.
AntwortenLöschenits borring thet the blog is finished :(
cause you did a great job and it was very funny to read it
ly midsummer :))
Very good work with little deficits. Simpatico. I particularly enjoyed your analysis of Kanga and her female traits. That was excellent. Perhaps you should become a hobby feminist blogger for children's books?! Sometimes, you're quite hard and direct - but clear and honest. I like your style but be careful with Americans and British people!