I want me to have a fulfilled live with all included,
but I also want me to trie to change or at least to recognize my faults.
I know that it ain´t easy and I don´t know if I will ever get to that point,but I´ll try.
So if I had to choose some characters of the book, that I would like to change I would take 2:
Rabbit and Piglet.
For me, Rabbit is too soured.
He´s one of the unpleasant fellows of the Pooh-clan.
Though he´s a cold character, I think thet he can be a good person, but only if he wants-

What I really don´t like is, how he behaves with strangers, that arrive in "his forest"-
he is full of prejudices.
And then there is also Piglet:
He is always hiding from everything and uses excuses all the time.
I think he has to bend over backwards, become braver and get more self-assured.

because that´s what a book is made of, it wouldn´t be as interesting/good as it is, if they weren´t existing, or if everything was perfect).
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